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Abstract woman was meditating in sunrise and rays with energy of light on landscape, soft

Private Breath Sessions,

What happens in a session?

One of the things you will learn in your breathing sessions is being present with and thus breathing with all that is within you. That leads to Total Relaxation and Ecstasy. At the same time, you can simply talk to me, share what you are experiencing or ask questions.


The breath will open all your sense and you will start feeling everything in your physical, energetic, emotional and mental body. You will see how everything within you works together and manifested your life as it is right now. you consciousness is expanding into many directions and this enables you to see yourself in a new light. Your expanded awareness will feel as a profound and total relaxation, as a Natural High...


I will regularly adjust your breath by giving you directions, sometimes accompanied by a touch (belly or chest).


Occasionally, there is no specific breathing, but other methods are used, such as Voice Dialogue (= composing inner parts), Body work, Qigong, Yoga poses, etc.

Abstract woman was meditating in sunrise and rays with energy of light on landscape, soft

Experience your own Energy Body, your Aura.

You are an energetic spiritual being.

Bliss, Extase en ontspanning aan het eind van een ademsessie.

Total Relaxation, Surrender and Ecstasy!

Persoonlijke aandacht in Ademworkshop.
Persoonlijke aandacht in Ademworkshop van Adem en Extase.
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Dis-eases that quickly reduce or heal through Breathing Sessions

​Hyperventilation, Burnout, Depression, Anxiety and panic, Shortness of breath,  Headaches and Migraines, Digestive Problems, Respiratory Problems, Skin Problems, (eg Eczema), ADHD, Performance Anxiety, Low Self-esteem, Exam Anxiety, Pointlessness, Aimlessness, Stress and Headache, Sleep Problems (insomnia), etc.

Other breathing benefits

Loving yourself completely and unconditionally, Discover your life purpose, Energy and vitality, Deep Relaxation (mental and physical), Insight into cohesive thinking, feeling, emotions and behavior, Coming home to Earth, More concentration and focus, Clear and calm mind, More positive in face life, Open your heart, you experience more joy, Detox: improve your health.

Personal Goal

Your personal goal are leading during the coaching and breathing sessions. We always start the series of sessions with an intake, in order to identify and define your goals, results, the pathway and the chosen methods, as well as your motivation, your commitment and investment in time, energy and attention and home practice.


We will make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and with a Timeline. Then we know what we are doing and into which direction we are moving.


Together we agree upon the path to take, the methods, my way of coaching you, and the techniques we'll use.


If necessary, on the way we can modify objectives. 

from stress to happiness hormones

It is by firstly minimizing and/or holding our breath that we create tensions. This can lead to you being in a continuous state of stress (fight or flight response), making it impossible for you to relax and unwind. The body then continuously produces stress hormones (eg Cortisol and Adrenaline) which keeps you stressed, both in body and mind. Changing your breathing pattern creates a new situation. Through the conscious connected breathing  technique you will make endorphins (happiness hormones). It suddenly becomes easy to think positively again. Then your whole personal growth process will be a lot more fun and easier!

Joy of Life!

Doing breathing sessions will liberate your Life force Energy, your Joy of Life, which was hidden underneath your resistance, fear, discomfort, your stress, your burn-out. In breathing sessions you will free the stagnated and blocked energy. You will melt the frozen parts within yourself. Your real self will come shining through again. You are Love, Peace, awareness and Pure Joy. 

Breathing sessions: a profound personal growth process with yourself!


I invite you to feel free and discuss (the truth about) your current situation with me.


Three sessions

I advise you to do at least three sessions. They are for getting acquainted with me and the methods. So we always start a series of sessions with an intake in which we will define and formulate your goals and results specifically. If we hav time, in this very first session we will make a start with your breathing process as well. In session two and three we will make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and with a Timeline. Also you will receive complete breathing sessions which will make everything more concrete and clear for you, because the breath will clear your Mind and deepen the connection with your Body. Your attention will start shifting from being worried and fearful in your mind, and stressed in your Body, to feeling a deep and total relaxation and experiencing a deep inner stillness in your Mind.


Seven sessions

After three sessions you know me and my way of coaching you. You are now able to assess if I can help you achieve your goals. If you feel a good connection with me and if you like my methods, then I advise you to make a commitment for another 7 sessions. This also depends of course on your goals and timeline.



A good frequency for doing sessions is 1 x every two weeks for most people, and for some 1 x every three weeks fits better. It is very personal and unique how each individual achieves their goals the best way possible. It is also influenced by how much time you take for practicing at home and making the assignments after each session.



Your commitment is important; take time for your personal growth and development. It is a proces. You took many years to create patterns and survival strategies, that are now no longer working for you, but instead against you. Patterns and strategies that meanwhile have come to prevent you from enjoying your life. These patterns came about in many many years, sometimes staring already in early childhood. Therefore, your are not done in one or two sessions. Take time for yourself. You deserve the best. Your commitment to your liberation is of the utmost importance and it guarantees your success!



About Resistance and Commitment

There may come a moment in the series of sessions , often between the third and seventh, that you will develop a lot of resistance agains me and the breathing technique. This is actually a very good sign! It means you are coming closer to your core. Usually we want change in the conscious parts of ourselves, but the Ego and the Unconscious probably want to keep everything the same. Survival mechanisms and old patterns are then (unconsciously) deployed. Old beliefs, behaviour, fight and flight mechanisms... It is a (for now) final convulsion of the ego. That is why it is good that you commit in advance to keep your focus on your goal during this phase of your growth process and to continue with the sessions. 



Pleasurable Ecstasy

Of course we make the whole process as pleasant and ecstatic as possible for you! Conscious connected breathing immediately gives you so much oxygen and Prana (life energy) that you feel blissful, ecstatic at the end of each session. Most people report that they have never felt so totally and profoundly relaxed in their lives. And the more comfortable you are, the easier it is to steer your life in the desired direction!

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Commitment to clients: Not good? Money Back!

I give everything I have to support the client in taking responsibility for his/her life again and restore their self-healing abilities. Sometimes it's in gentleness and kindness, sometimes it's  discipline or a large dose of enthusiasm or humor is required. Is a client unhappy with a session? Then he gets his money back.

Client commitment: Take responsibility and practice at home!

The client's commitment is to take responsibility for their lives: that is, to realize that they create their own reality and act on it. What leads to a successful series of breathing sessions (that the client achieves his stated goals) is that the client makes his reports, and does the home exercises regularly as agreed. You will not achieve new results if you keep doing what you have always done. You also keep a kind of diary as long as you do sessions.

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